04 Model configuration
Florian Berding, Julia Pargmann, Andreas Slopinski, Elisabeth Riebenbauer, Karin Rebmann
1 Introduction and Overview
Training an AI model requires a lot of data, and it consumes both time and energy. In general, several model configurations have to be tested before the best performing model is achieved. Thus, it is very important to choose a good starting configuration to avoid unnecessary computations and time investments. With the help of this vignette we would like to present research results that provide rules of thumb for creating AI models that are efficient in computation and offer potential for a good performance.
The vignette is structured according to the three main objects that are used in aifeducation. These are the base models, the text embedding models and the classifiers.
2 Base Models
The base models are the core models for understanding natural language. Assuming that researchers from educational and social sciences only have access to limited data and computational resources, AI models should be as small and efficient as possible. In recent years, researchers generated some insights into how language models can be reduced in size without losing too much of their performance. In the following, we present some of the concepts that can be realized with aifeducation.
Vocabulary size and embedding matrix
A first step in creating a language model is to generate a vocabulary that is used to split text into tokens. With the help of an embedding matrix, these tokens are translated into a numerical representation: Every token is transformed into a vector with the same dimension. The number of rows of the embedding matrix equals the number of tokens, while the number of columns can be chosen by the developer. In the original study by Devlin et al. (2019, p. 4174), the BERT model used a vocabulary size of 30,000 tokens. In the study conducted by Zhao et al. (2019, p.2), they calculated a vocabulary with about 5,000 tokens to be able to completely cover the textual data. Furthermore, they calculated a vocabulary with about 30,000 tokens that included about 94% of the tokens of the small vocabulary. Thus, the smaller vocabulary has the potential to represent the textual data in a more efficient way. Chen et al. (2019, p. 3494) report study results showing that for classification tasks, a vocabulary size of 100 to 999 tokens can be enough for a reasonable performance while a vocabulary size of 1,000 to 10,000 is required for natural language inference. Gowda and May (2020, p. 3960) revealed that for small and medium data sizes, a vocabulary of 8,000 tokens provides good performance. While a large vocabulary is able to represent rare words better, words with a higher frequency even are covered well with a smaller vocabulary (Ganesh et al. 2021, p. 1070). Thus, we recommend to try a the vocabulary size of 10,000.
It is important to note that the vocabulary size has in impact on how words are split into tokens. As Kaya and Tantug (2024, p. 5) illustrate, a higher vocabulary size allows a tokenizer to split words into a smaller number of tokens while a smaller number requires the tokenizer to use more tokens. Thus, the length of the token sequence generated for a given chunk of text is longer for a tokenizer with a small vocabulary compared to a tokenizer with a large vocabulary. In order to describe the effect, Kaya and Tantug (2024, p. 5) propose the tokenization granularity rate, which is calculated as the number of all tokens divided by all words. As a consequence, reducing the vocabulary size requires an increase of the maximal sequence length of a transformer in order to allow the transformer to process the same number of words.
The study by Wies et al. (2021) investigates the relationship between the vocabulary size, the dimension of the embedding matrix, and the width/depth of a transformer model (hidden size and number of layers). They are able to show that the size and dimension of the embedding matrix should be equal or larger as the hidden size of the transformer model. As explained above, the vocabulary size will generally be greater as 1,000. It can be treated as a given parameter. Thus, the dimension of the embedding matrix should be equal or larger as the hidden size. Since aifeducation relies on the transformers library, all base models implemented in aifeducation use the hidden size as a dimension for the embedding matrix, ensuring that they equal in size. Thus, this recommendation is always satisfied.
Width vs depth
Levine et al. (2020, p. 2) investigate the architecture of transformers and reveal that the minimal depth of a transformer encoder with multi-head attention should be , where is the hidden size. For example, if the hidden size of the attention layer is 768, this formula suggests at least , so seven layers. In addition, their work offers a formula for estimating the optimal depth depending on the hidden size (Levine et al. 2020, p. 8): For a hidden size of 768, would be about 29 layers.
Number of attention heads
The hidden size (the width of the layers) of a transformer has an influence on how well the attention mechanism can be used. Wies et al. (2021) showed that the product of the number of attention head and the dimension of the internal attention representation should equal the dimension of the hidden size of a transformer. In case that this product is greater than the hidden dimension , a bottleneck occurs - reducing the performance of the model. In aifeducation, all transformers determine the dimension with , ensuring that this rule is always fulfilled. Please do not confuse the internal attention representation with the intermediate size of a multi-head attention layer.
Regarding the number of attention heads, Liu, Liu, and Han (2021) develop a single-head attention and show that a transformer with single-head attention achieves better performance than a transformer with multi-head attention and a similar model size. Before this study, Michel, Omer, and Neubig (2019, p. 4) revealed that at test time, one head is enough for stable performance even when the model was trained with 12 or 16 heads. Based on these findings, Ganesh et al. (2021, p. 1068) conclude that 1 to 2 heads in encoder layers can be sufficient for high accuracy. Voita et al. 2019 (p. 5802) showed that a high number of attention heads can be removed after training without a significant decrease in a model’s performance. The study also reveals that training a model from scratch with a reduced number of attention heads results in a lower performance, compared with a model trained with a higher number of heads and pruning after training. However, the difference is only small (Voita et al. 2019, p. 5803). To sum up, we recommend to start modeling with 1 or up to 2 attention heads per layer.
3 Text Embedding Models
Text embedding models are built on top of a base model. They are used to create a numerical representation from raw texts that is able to represent the semantic meaning of a text as best as possible. These representations are used for further downstream tasks such as classification.
Rogers, Kovaleva, and Rumshisky (2020) summarize the knowledge about how BERT models work, providing a good starting point for deriving recommendations for a “good” configuration of a text embedding model. Their review provides some evidence that most information about linear word order is represented in the lower layers, while the middle layers represent mainly syntactic information. It is not clear where semantic knowledge is located but it seems that semantic information is spread across all layers. The final layer is the most task-specific layer, which changes most during fine-tuning.
Since a text embedding model aims to provide a numerical representation that can be used for varying tasks, the final layer may not be the best choice due to its connection to the learning objective (e.g., masked language modeling). A study conducted by Liu et al. (2019, p. 1078) investigates the performance of models on 16 linguistic tasks, revealing that for transformers, there is no single best layer, but the best layers are located in an area in the middle and up to the two-thirds layer. In the original study done by Devlin et al. (2019, p. 4179), the BERT model performed best with the representation drawn from the the second-to-last hidden layer, a weighted sum of the last four layers, and a concatenation of the last four layers for named entity recognition.
The usual approach to generate representations for texts is to use the representation of the [CLS] token from the final layer. However, as stated above, the representation of other layers may be more easily transferable to varying tasks. Furthermore, instead of using the representation of the [CLS] token, representations of other tokens or a mean of their representations can be used. In Tanaka et al.’s (2020, p. 151) study, the mean of the representations of all tokens (except special tokens) performs better for a classification task than the representation of the [CLS] token. The representations are drawn from the final layer. Toshniwal et al. (2020, p. 168) use the weighted average of all layers to generate token representations which are reduced in their number of dimensions. They compare six different methods of aggregating the different token representations to a single text representation and reveal that average pooling is inferior to all other methods, while max pooling is a simple and competitive method (Toshniwal et al. 2020, p. 169), as “max pooling takes the maximum value over time for each dimension of the contextualized embeddings within the span.” (Toshniwal et al. 2020, p. 168). In contrast, the study conducted by Ma et al. (2019) reveals that max pooling is better than CLS and mean pooling is superior to max pooling. However, the results in Ma et al.’s (2019) study are averaged across different layers, providing limited information on how to combine the different pooling methods with different layers. To sum up, we recommend to use the embeddings between the middle and the two-thirds layer in combination with max or mean pooling.
4 Classifiers
Classifiers are built on top of a text embedding model and represent the final step for classification tasks. Although the underlying transformer is not part of training, a classifier is still a challenge in the approach used by aifeducation transformers’ hidden size. For example, the hidden size in the original BERT model is 768 for the base and 1024 for the large variation (Devlin et al. 2019, p. 4173). Since data availability is low in educational and social sciences, low performance is to be expected.
A solution to solve this problem is to reduce the dimensions, as proposed by Ganesan et al. (2021). In their study they investigate the relationship between the sample size, dimension, and dimension reduction method. The text representations were built by calculating the mean over all tokens of the second to last layer (Ganesan et al. 2021, p. 4517). Their central findings are
- that fine-tuning a transformer with only a few training examples (10,000) results in a lower performance than using a not fine-tuned transformer (Ganesan et al. 2021, p. 4519).
- Principal component analysis performed best, but multi-layer non-linear auto-encoders (NLAE) are also a good choice (Ganesan et al. 2021, p. 4520).
- that the number of dimensions depends on the specific task. However, a larger training sample allows for a higher number of dimension. In some cases, about to of the dimensions were sufficient (Ganesan et al. 2021, p. 4522).
Ganesan et al. (2021) work shows that a reduction of the dimensions
is necessary in case that the transformer model uses a large hidden
size. Since most models in aifeducation work with sequential
data, the package contains an LSTM (fe_method="lstm"
) and a
dense feature extractor (fe_method="dense"
). To use it for
classifier training, set use_fe=TRUE
during the creation of
the object and specify the desired number of dimensions with
5 Limitations
Please note that the findings presented in this vignette refer to different architectures of AI models. In general, the results cannot be transferred directly to other model architectures. Thus, all recommendations can only serve as a rule of thumb.
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