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1 Introduction and Overview

In the educational and social sciences, the assignment of an observation to scientific concepts is an important task that allows researchers to understand an observation, to generate new insights, and to derive recommendations for research and practice.

In educational science, several areas deal with this kind of task. For example, diagnosing students’ characteristics is an important aspect of a teachers’ profession and necessary to understand and promote learning. Another example is the use of learning analytics, where data about students is used to provide learning environments adapted to their individual needs. On another level, educational institutions such as schools and universities can use this information for data-driven performance decisions (Laurusson & White 2014) as well as where and how to improve it. In any case, a real-world observation is aligned to scientific models to use scientific knowledge as a technology for improved learning and instruction.

Supervised machine learning is one concept that allows a link between real-world observations and existing scientific models and theories (Berding et al. 2022). For educational sciences this is a great advantage because it allows researchers to use the existing knowledge and insights for applications of AI. The drawback of this approach is that the training of AI requires both information about the real world observations and information on the corresponding alignment with scientific models and theories.

A valuable source of data in educational science are written texts, since textual data can be found almost everywhere in the realm of learning and teaching (Berding et al. 2022). For example, teachers often require students to solve a task which they provide in a written form. Students have to create a solution for the tasks which they often document with a short-written essay or a presentation. This data can be used to analyze learning and teaching. Teachers’ written tasks for their students may provide insights into the quality of instruction while students’ solutions may provide insights into their learning outcomes and prerequisites.

AI can be a helpful assistant in analyzing textual data since the analysis of textual data is a challenging and time-consuming task for humans. In this vignette, we would like to show how to create an AI that can help you with such tasks by using the package aifedcuation.

Please note that an introduction to content analysis, natural language processing or machine learning is beyond the scope of this vignette. If you would like to learn more, please refer to the cited literature.

Before we start it is necessary to introduce a definition of our understanding of some basic concepts since applying AI to educational contexts means to combine the knowledge of different scientific disciplines using different, sometimes overlapping concepts. Even within a research area, concepts are not unified. Figure 1 illustrates this package’s understanding.

Figure 1: Understanding of Central Concepts
Figure 1: Understanding of Central Concepts

Since aifeducation looks at the application of AI for classification tasks from the perspective of the empirical method of content analysis, there is some overlapping between the concepts of content analysis and machine learning. In content analysis, a phenomenon like performance and colors can be described as a scale/dimension which is made up by several categories (e.g. Schreier 2012 pp. 59). In our example, an exam’s performance (scale/dimension) could be “good”, “average” or “poor”. In terms of colors (scale/dimension) categories could be “blue”, “green”, etc. Machine learning literature uses other words to describe this kind of data. In machine learning, “scale” and “dimension” correspond to the term “label” while “categories” refer to the term “classes” (Chollet, Kalinowski & Allaire 2022, p. 114).

With these clarifications, classification means that a text is assigned to the correct category of a scale or that the text is labeled with the correct class. As Figure 2 illustrates, two kinds of data are necessary to train an AI to classify text in line with supervised machine learning principles.

Figure 2: Basic Structure of Supervised Machine Learning
Figure 2: Basic Structure of Supervised Machine Learning

By providing AI with both the textual data as input data and the corresponding information about the class as target data, AI can learn which texts imply a specific class or category. In the above exam example, AI can learn which texts imply a “good”, an “average” or a “poor” judgment. After training, AI can be applied to new texts and predict the most likely class of every new text. The generated class can be used for further statistical analysis or to derive recommendations about learning and teaching.

To achieve this support by an artificial intelligence, several steps are necessary. Figure 3 provides an overview integrating the functions and objects of aifeducation.

Figure 3: Overview of the Steps to Perform a Classification
Figure 3: Overview of the Steps to Perform a Classification

The first step is to transform raw texts into a form computers can use. That is, the raw texts must be transformed into numbers. In modern approaches, this is usually done through word embeddings. Campesato (2021, p. 102) describes them as “the collective name for a set of language modeling and feature learning techniques (…) where words or phrases from the vocabulary are mapped to vectors of real numbers.” The definition of a word vector is similar: „Word vectors represent the semantic meaning of words as vectors in the context of the training corpus.” (Lane, Howard & Hapke 2019, p. 191)

Campesato (2021, pp. 112) clusters approaches for creating word embeddings into three groups, reflecting their ability to provide context-sensitive numerical representations. Approaches in group one do not account for any context. Typical methods rely on bag-of-words assumptions. Thus, they are normally not able to provide a word embedding for single words. Group two consists of approaches such as word2vec, GloVe (Pennington, Socher & Manning 2014) or fastText, which are able to provide one embedding for each word regardless of its context. Thus, they only account for one context. The last group consists of approaches such as BERT (Devlin et al. 2019), which are able to produce multiple word embeddings depending on the context of the words.

From these different groups, aifedcuation implements several methods.

  • Topic Modeling: Topic modeling is an approach that uses frequencies of tokens within a text. The frequencies of the tokens are models as the observable variables of one more latent topic (Campesato 2021, p. 113). The estimation of a topic model is often based on a Latent Dirichlet Analysis (LDA) which describes each text by a distribution of topics. The topics themselves are described by a distribution of words/tokens (Campesato 2021, p. 114). This relationship between texts, words, and topics can be used to create a text embedding by computing the relative amount of every topic in a text based on every token in a text.
  • GlobalVectorClusters: GlobalVectors is a newer approach which utilizes the co-occurrence of words/tokens to compute GlobalVectors (Campesato 2021, p. 110). These vectors are generated in a way that tokens/words with a similar meaning are located close to each other (Pennington, Socher & Manning 2014). In order to create a text embedding from word embeddings, aifeducation groups tokens into clusters based on their vectors. Thus, tokens with a similar meaning are members of the same cluster. For the text embedding, the tokens of a text are counted for every cluster and the frequencies of every cluster for that text are used as a numerical representation of that text.
  • Transformers: Transformers are the current state-of-the-art approach for many natural language tasks (Tunstall, von Werra & Wolf 2022, p. xv). With the help of the self-attention mechanism (Vaswani et al. 2017), they are able to produce context-sensitive word embeddings (Chollet, Kalinowski & Allaire, 2022, pp. 366).

All the approaches are managed and used with a unified interface provided by the object TextEmbeddingModel. With this object you can easily convert raw texts into a numerical representation, which you can use for different classification tasks at the same time. This makes it possible to reduce computational time. The created text embedding is stored in an object of class EmbeddedText. This object additionally contains information about the text embedding model that created this object.

In the very best case you can apply an existing text embedding model by using a transformer from Huggingface or by using a model from colleagues. If not, aifeducation provides several functions allowing you to create your own models. Depending on the approach you would like to use, different steps are necessary. In the case of Topic Modeling or GlobalVectorClusters, you must first create a draft of a vocabulary with the two functions bow_pp_create_vocab_draft() and bow_pp_create_basic_text_rep(). When calling these functions, you determine central properties of the resulting model. In the case of transformers, you first have to configure and to train a vocabulary with create_xxx_model() and in a next step you can train your model with train_tune_xxx_model(). Every step will be explained in the next chapters. Please note that xxx stands for different architectures of transformers that are supported with aifedcuation.

With an object of class TextEmbeddingModel you can create the input data for the supervised machine learning process. Additionally, you need the target data which must be a named factor containing the classes/categories of each text.

With both kinds of data, you are able to create a new object of class TextEmbeddingClassifierNeuralNet which is the classifier. To train the classifier you have several options which we will cover in detail in chapter 3. After training the classifier you can share it with other researchers and apply it to new texts. Please note that the application to new texts requires the text to be transformed into numbers with exactly the same text embedding model before passing the text to the classifier. Please note: Do not pass the raw texts to the classifier, only embedded texts work!

In the next chapters, we will guide you through the complete process, starting with the creation of the text embedding models.

Please note that the creation of a new text embedding model is only necessary if you cannot rely on an existing model or if you cannot rely on a pre-trained transformer.

2 Start Working

2.1 Starting a New Session

Before you can work with aifeducation you must set up a new R session. First, it is necessary that you load the library. Second, you must set up python via reticulate. In case you installed python as suggested in vignette 01 Get started you may start a new session like this:

reticulate::use_condaenv(condaenv = "aifeducation")

Next you have to choose the machine learning framework you would like to use. You can set the framework for the complete session with

#For tensorflow

#For PyTorch

Setting the global machine learning framework is only for convenience. You can change the framework at any time during a session by calling this method again or by setting the argument ‘ml_framework’ of methods and functions manually.

In the case that you would like to use tensorflow now is a good time to configure that backend, since some configurations can only be done before tensorflow is used the first time.

#if you would like to use only cpus

#if you have a graphic device with low memory

#if you would like to reduce the tensorflow output to errors
set_config_os_environ_logger(level = "ERROR")

Note: Please remember: Every time you start a new session in R you have to to set the correct conda environment, to load the library aifeducation, and to chose your machine learning framework.

2.2 Reading Texts into R

For most applications of aifeducation it’s necessary to read the text you would like to use into R. For this task, several packages are available on CRAN. Our experience has been good with the package readtext since it allows you to process different kind of sources for textual data. Please refer to readtext’s documentation for more details. If you have not installed this package on your machine, you can request it by


For example, if you have stored your texts in an excel sheet with two columns (texts for the texts and id for the texts’ id) you can read the data by

#for excel files
  text_field = "texts",
  docid_field = "id"

Here it is crucial that you pass the file path to file and the name of the column for the texts to text_field and the name of the column for the id to docid_field.

In other cases you may have stored each text in a separate file (e.g., .txt or .pdf). For these cases you can pass the directory of the files and read the data. In the following example the files are stored in the directory “data”.

#read all files with the extension .txt in the directory data

#read all files with the extension .pdf in the directory data

If you read texts for sever files you do not need to specify the arguments docid_field and text_field. The id of the texts is automatically set to the file names.

After the text is read we recommend to do some text cleaning.

#remove multiple spaces and new lines
textual_data$text=stringr::str_replace_all(textual_data$text,pattern = "[:space:]{1,}",replacement = " ")

#remove hyphenation
textual_data$text=stringr::str_replace_all(textual_data$text,pattern = "-(?=[:space:])",replacement = "")

Please refer to the documentation of the function readtext within the readtext library for more information.

Now everything is ready to start the preparation tasks.

3 Preparation Tasks

3.1 Example Data for this Vignette

To illustrate the steps in this vignette, we cannot use data from educational settings since these data is generally protected by privacy policies. Therefore, we use the data set data_corpus_moviereviews from the package quanteda.textmodels to illustrate the usage of this package. This quanteda.textmodels is automatically installed when you install aifeducation.


#>  neg  pos 
#> 1000 1000

We now have a data set with three columns. The first contains the ID of the movie review, the second contains the rating of the movie (positive or negative), and the third column contains the raw texts. As you can see, the data is balanced. About 1,000 reviews imply a positive rating of a movie and about 1,000 imply a negative rating.

For this tutorial, we modify this data set by setting about half of the negative and positive reviews to NA, indicating that these reviews are not labeled.

#>  neg  pos NA's 
#>  500  500 1000

Furthermore, we will bring some imbalance by setting 250 positive reviews to NA.

#>  neg  pos NA's 
#>  500  250 1250

We will now use this data to show you how to use the different objects and functions in aifeducation.

3.2 Topic Modeling and GlobalVectorClusters

If you would like to create a new text embedding model with Topic Modeling or GlobalVectorClusters, you first have to create a draft of a vocabulary. You can do this by calling the function bow_pp_create_vocab_draft(). The main input of this function is a vector of texts. The function’s aims are

  • to create a list of all tokens of the texts,
  • to reduce the tokens to tokens that carry semantic meaning,
  • to provide the lemma of every token.

Since Topic Modeling depends on a bag-of-word approach, the reason for this pre-process step is to reduce the tokens to tokens that really carry semantic meaning. In general, these are tokens of words that are either nouns, verbs or adjectives (Papilloud & Hinneburg 2018, p. 32). With our example data, an application of that function could be:

  upos=c("NOUN", "ADJ","VERB"),

As you can see, there is an additional parameter: path_language_model. Here you must insert the path to an udpipe pre-trained language model since this function uses the udpipe package for part-of-speech tagging and lemmataziation. A collection of pre-trained models for about 65 languages can be found here []. Just download the relevant model to your machine and provide the path to the model.

With the parameter upos you can select which tokens should be selected. In this example, only tokens that represent a noun, an adjective or a verb will remain after the analysis. A list of possible tags can be found here: [].

Please do not forget do provide a label for the udpipe model you use and please also provide the language you are analyzing. This information is important since this will be transferred to the text embedding model. Other researchers/users will need this information to decide if this model could help with their own work.

In the next step, we can use our draft of a vocabulary to create a basic text representation with the function bow_pp_create_basic_text_rep(). This function takes raw texts and the draft of a vocabulary as main input. The function aims

  • to remove tokens referring to stopwords,
  • to clean the data (e.g., removing punctuation, numbers),
  • to lower case all tokens if requested,
  • to remove tokens with a specific minimal frequency,
  • to remove tokens that occur in too few or too many documents
  • to create a document-feature-matrix (dfm),
  • to create a feature-co-occurrence-matrix (fcm).

Applied to the example, the call of the function could look like this:

  data = example_data$text,
  vocab_draft = vocab_draft,
  remove_punct = TRUE,
  remove_symbols = TRUE,
  remove_numbers = TRUE,
  remove_url = TRUE,
  remove_separators = TRUE,
  split_hyphens = FALSE,
  split_tags = FALSE,
  use_lemmata = FALSE,
  min_termfreq = NULL,
  min_docfreq= NULL,
  window = 5,
  weights = 1 / (1:5),

data takes the raw texts while vocab_draft takes the draft of a vocabulary we created in the first step.

The main goal is to create a document-feature-matrix(dfm) and a feature-co- occurrence-matrix (fcm). The dfm is a matrix that reports the texts in the rows and the number of tokens in the columns. This matrix is later used to create a text embedding model based on topic modeling. The dfm is reduced to tokens that correspond to the part-of-speech tags of the vocabulary draft. Punctuation, symbols, numbers etc. are removed from this matrix if you set the corresponding parameter to TRUE. If you set use_lemmata = TRUE you can reduce the dimensionality of this matrix further by using the lemmas instead of the tokens (Papilloud & Hinneburg 2018, p.33). If you set to_lower = TRUE all tokens are transformed to lower case. At the end you get a matrix that tries to represent the semantic meaning of the text with the smallest possible number of tokens.

The same applies for the fcm. Here, the tokens/features are reduced in the same way. However, before the features are reduced, the token’s co-occurrence is calculated. For this aim a window is used and shifted across the text, counting the tokens left and right from the token under investigation. The size of this window can be determined with window. With weights you can provide weights for counting. For example, the tokens which are far away from the token under investigation count less than tokens that are closer to the token under investigation. The fcm is later used to create a text embedding model based on GlobalVectorClusters.

As you may notice, the dfm only counts the words in a text. Thus, their position in the text or within a sentence does not matter. If you further lower-case tokens or use lemmas, more syntactic information is lost for the advantage that the dfm has a lower dimensionality while losing only little semantic meaning. In contrast, the fcm is a matrix that describes how often different tokens occur together. Thus, an fcm recovers part of the position of words in a sentence and in a text.

Now, everything is ready to create a new text embedding model based on Topic Modeling or GlobalVectorClusters. Before we show you how to create the new model, we will have a look on the preparation of a new transformer.

3.3 Creating a New Transformer

In general, it is recommended to use a pre-trained model since the creation of a new transformer requires a large data set of texts and is computationally intensive. In this vignette we will illustrate the process with a BERT model. However, for many other transformers, the process is the same.

The creation of a new transformer requires at least two steps. First, you must decide about the architecture of your transformer. This includes the creation of a set of vocabulary. In aifedcuation you can do this by calling the function create_bert_model(). For our example this could look like this:

    model_dir = "my_own_transformer",

First, the function receives the machine learning framework you chose at the start of the session. However, you can change this by setting ml_framework="tensorflow" or by ml_framework="pytorch".

For this function to work, you must provide a path to a directory where your new transformer should be saved. Furthermore, you must provide raw texts. These texts are not used for training the transformer but for training the vocabulary. The maximum size of the vocabulary is determined by vocab_size. Please do not provide a size above 50,000 to 60,000 since this kind of vocabulary works differently than the approaches described in section 2.2. Modern tokenizers such as WordPiece (Wu et al. 2016) use algorithms that splits tokens into smaller elements, allowing them to build a huge number of words with a small number of elements. Thus, even with only small number of about 30,000 tokens, they are able to represent a very large number of words. As a consequence, these kinds of vocabularies are many times smaller than the vocabularies build in section 2.2.

The other parameters allow you to customize your BERT model. For example, you could increase the number of hidden layers from 12 to 24 or reduce the hidden size from 768 to 256, allowing you to build and to test larger or smaller transformers.

Please note that with max_position_embeddings you determine how many tokens your transformer can process. If your text has more tokens after tokenization, these tokens are ignored. However, if you would like to analyze long documents, please avoid to increase this number too significantly because the computational time does not increase in a linear way but quadratic (Beltagy, Peters & Cohan 2020). For long documents you can use another architecture of BERT (e.g. Longformer from Beltagy, Peters & Cohan 2020) or split a long document into several chunks which are used sequentially for classification (e.g., Pappagari et al. 2019). Using chunks is supported by aifedcuation.

Since creating a transformer model is energy consuming aifeducation allows you to estimate its ecological impact with help of the python library codecarbon. Thus, sustain_track is set to TRUE by default. If you use the sustainability tracker you must provide the alpha-3 code for the country where your computer is located (e.g., “CAN”=“Canada”, “Deu”=“Germany”). A list with the codes can be found on wikipedia. The reason is that different countries use different sources and techniques for generating their energy resulting in a specific impact on CO2 emissions. For USA and Canada you can additionally specify a region by setting sustain_region. Please refer to the documentation of codecarbon for more information.

After calling the function, you will find your new model in your model directory. The next step is to train your model by calling train_tune_bert_model().

  output_dir = "my_own_transformer_trained",
  model_dir_path = "my_own_transformer",
  raw_texts = example_data$text,

Here it is important that you provide the path to the directory where your new transformer is stored. Furthermore, it is important that you provide another directory where your trained transformer should be saved to avoid reading and writing collisions.

Now, the provided raw data is used to train your model by using Masked Language Modeling. First, you can set the length of token sequences with chunk_size. With whole_word you can choose between masking single tokens or masking complete words (Please remember that modern tokenizers split words into several tokens. Thus, tokens and words are not forced to match each other directly). With p_mask you can determine how many tokens should be masked. Finally, with val_size, you set how many chunks should be used for the validation sample.

Please remember to set the correct alpha-3 code for tracking the ecological impact of training your model (sustain_iso_code).

If you work on a machine and your graphic device only has small memory, please reduce the batch size significantly. We also recommend to change the usage of memory with set_config_gpu_low_memory() at the beginning of the session.

After the training finishes, you can find the transformer ready to use in your output_directory. Now you are able to create a text embedding model.

Again you can change the machine learning framework by setting ml_framework="tensorflow" or by ml_framework="pytorch". If you do not change this argument the framework you chose at the beginning is used.

4 Text Embedding

4.1 Introduction

In aifedcuation, a text embedding model is stored as an object of the class TextEmbeddingModel. This object contains all relevant information for transforming raw texts into a numeric representation that can be used for machine learning.

In aifedcuation, the transformation of raw texts into numbers is a separate step from downstream tasks such as classification. This is to reduce computational time on machines with low performance. By separating text embedding from other tasks, the text embedding has to be calculated only once and can be used for different tasks at the same time. Another advantage is that the training of the downstream tasks involves only the downstream tasks an not the parameters of the embedding model, making training less time-consuming, thus decreasing computational intensity. Finally, this approach allows the analysis of long documents by applying the same algorithm to different parts.

The text embedding model provides a unified interface: After creating the model with different methods, the handling of the model is always the same.

In the following we will show you how to use this object. We start with Topic Modeling.

4.2 Creating Text Embedding Models

4.2.1 Topic Modeling

For creating a new text embedding model based on Topic Modeling, you only need a basic text representation generated with the function bow_pp_create_basic_text_rep() (see section 2.2). Now you can create a new instance of a text embedding model by calling TextEmbeddingModel$new().

  model_label="Text Embedding via Topic Modeling",

First you have to provide a name for your new model (model_name). This should be a unique but short name without any spaces. With model_label you can provide a label for your model with more freedom. It is important that you provide a version for your model in case you want to create an improved version in the future. With model_language you provide users the information for which language your model is designed. This is very important if you plan to share your model to a wider community.

With method you determine which approach should be used for your model. If you would like to use Topic Modeling, you have to set method = "lda". the number of topics is set via bow_n_dim. In this example we would like to create a topic model with twelve topics. The number of topics also determines the dimensionality for our text embedding. Consequently, every text will be characterized by these twelve topics.

Please do not forget to pass your basic text representation to bow_basic_text_rep.

After the model is estimated, it is stored as topic_modeling in our example.

4.2.2 GlobalVectorClusters

The creation of a text embedding model based on GlobalVectorClusters is very similar to a model based on Topic Modeling. There are only two differences.

  model_label="Text Embedding via Clusters of GlobalVectors",

First, you request a model based on GlobalVectorCluster by setting method="glove_cluster". Second, you have to determine the dimensionality of the global vectors with bow_n_dim and the number of clusters by bow_n_cluster. When creating a new text embedding model, the global vector of each token is calculated based on the feature-co-occurrence-matrix (fcm) you provide with basic_text_rep. For very token, a vector is calculated with the length of bow_n_dim. Since these vectors are word embeddings and not text embeddings, an additional step is necessary to create text embeddings. In aifedcuation the word embeddings are used to group the words into clusters. The number of clusters is set with bow_n_cluster. Now, the text embedding is produced by counting the tokens of every cluster for every text.

The final model is stored as global_vector_clusters_modeling.

4.2.3 Transformers

Using a transformer for creating a text embedding model is similar to the other two approaches.

  model_label="Text Embedding via BERT",
  method = "bert",
  max_length = 512,

To request a model based on a transformer you must set method accordingly. Since we use a BERT model in our example, we have to set method = "bert". Next, you have to provide the directory where your model is stored. In this example this would be bert_model_dir_path="my_own_transformer_trained. Of course you can use any other pre-trained model from Huggingface which addresses your needs.

Using a BERT model for text embedding is not a problem since your text does not provide more tokens than the transformer can process. This maximal value is set in the configuration of the transformer (see section 2.3). If the text produces more tokens the last tokens are ignored. In some instances you might want to analyze long texts. In these situations, reducing the text to the first tokens (e.g. only the first 512 tokens) could result in a problematic loss of information. To deal with these situations you can configure a text embedding model in aifecuation to split long texts into several chunks which are processed by the transformer. The maximal number of chunks is set with chunks. In our example above, the text embedding model would split a text consisting of 1024 tokens into two chunks with every chunk consisting of 512 tokens. For every chunk a text embedding is calculated. As a result, you receive a sequence of embeddings. The first embeddings characterizes the first part of the text and the second embedding characterizes the second part of the text (and so on). Thus, our example text embedding model is able to process texts with about 4*512=2048 tokens. This approach is inspired by the work by Pappagari et al. (2019).

Since transformers are able to account for the context, it may be useful to interconnect every chunk to bring context into the calculations. This can be done with overlap to determine how many tokens of the end of a prior chunk should be added to the next.In our example the last 30 tokens of the prior chunks are added at the beginning of the following chunk. This can help to add the correct context of the text sections into the analysis. Altogether, this example model can analyse a maximum of 512+(4-1)*(512-30)=1958 tokens of a text.

Finally, you have to decide from which hidden layer or layers the embeddings should be drawn. With emb_layer_min and emb_layer_max you can decide over which layers the average value for every token should be calculated. Please note that the calculation considers all layers between emb_layer_min and emb_layer_max. In their initial work, Devlin et al. (2019) used the hidden states of different layers for classification.

With emb_pool_type you decide which tokens are used for pooling within every layer. In the case of emb_pool_type="cls" only the cls token is used. In the case of emb_pool_type="average" all tokens within a layer are averaged except padding tokens.

After deciding about the configuration, you can use your model.

Note: With version 0.3.1 of aifeducation every transformer can be used with both machine learning frameworks. Even the pre-trained weights can be used across backends. However, in the future models my be implemented that are available only for a specific framework.

4.3 Transforming Raw Texts into Embedded Texts

Although the mechanics within a text embedding model are different, the usage is always the same. To transform raw text into a numeric representation you only have to use the embed method of your model. To do this, you must provide the raw texts to raw_text. In addition, it is necessary that you provide a character vector containing the ID of every text. The IDs must be unique.

  trace = TRUE)

  trace = TRUE)

  trace = TRUE)

The method embedcreates an object of class EmbeddedText. This is just a data.frame consisting the embedding of every text. Depending on the method, the data.frame has a different meaning:

  • Topic Modeling: Regarding topic modeling, the rows represent the texts and the columns represent the percentage of every topic within a text.
  • GlobalVectorClusters: Here, the rows represent the texts and the columns represent the absolute frequencies of tokens belonging to a semantic cluster.
  • Transformer - Bert: With BERT, the rows represent the texts and the columns represents the contextualized text embedding or BERT’s understanding of the relevant text chunk.

Please note that in the case of transformer models, the embeddings of every chunks are interlinked.

With the embedded texts you now have the input to train a new classifier or to apply a pre-trained classifier for predicting categories/classes. In the next chapter we will show you how to use these classifiers. But before we start, we will show you how to save and load your model.

4.4 Saving and Loading Text Embedding Models

Saving a created text embedding model is very easy in aifeducation by using the function save_ai_model. This function provides a unique interface for all text embedding models. For saving your work you can pass your model to model and the directory where to save the model to model_dir. Please do only pass the path of a directory and not the path of a file to this function. Internally the function creates a new folder in the directory where all files belonging to a model are stored.




As you can see all three text embedding models are saved within the same directory named “text_embedding_models”. Within this directory the function creates a unique folder for every model. The name of this folder is specified with dir_name.

If you set dir_name=NULL and append_ID=FALSE the the name of the folder is created by using the models’ names. If you change the argument append_ID to append_ID=TRUE and set dir_name=NULL the unique ID of the model is added to the directory. The ID is added automatically to ensure that every model has a unique name. This is important if you would like to share your work with other persons.

Since the files are stored with a special structure please do not change the files manually.

If you want to load your model, just call the function load_ai_model and you can continue using your model.




With ml_framework you can decide which framework the model should use. If you set ml_framework="auto" the models will be initialized with the same framework during saving the model. Please note that at the moment all implemented text embedding models can be used with both frameworks. However, this may change in the future.

Please note that you have to add the name of the model to the directory path. In our example we have stored three models in the directory “text_embedding_models”. Each model is saved within its own folder. The folder’s name is created automatically with the help of the name of the model. Thus, for loading a model you must specify which model you want to load by adding the model’s name to the directory path as shown above.

Now you can use your text embedding model.

4.5 Sustainability

In the case the underlying model was trained with an active sustainability tracker (section 3.3) you can receive a table showing you the energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and hardware used during training by calling bert_modeling$get_sustainability_data().

5 Using AI for Classification

5.1 Creating a New Classifier

In aifedcuation, classifiers are based on neural nets and stored in objects of the class TextEmbeddingClassifierNeuralNet. You can create a new classifier by calling TextEmbeddingClassifierNeuralNet$new().


  label="Classifier for Estimating a Postive or Negative Rating of Movie Reviews",

Similar to the text embedding model you should provide a name (name) and a label (label) for your new classifier. With text_embeddings you have to provide an embedded text. We would like to recommend that you use the embedding you would like to use for training. We here continue our example and use the embedding produced by our BERT model.

targets takes the target data for the supervised learning. Please do not omit cases which have no category/class since they can be used with a special training technique we will show you later. It is very important that you provide the target data as factors. Otherwise an error will occur. It is also important that you name your factor. That is, the entries of the factor mus have names that correspond to the IDs of the corresponding texts. Without these names the method cannot match the input data (text embeddings) to the target data.

With the other parameters you decide about the structure of your classifier. Figure 4 illustrates this.

Figure 4: Overview of Possible Structure of a Classifier
Figure 4: Overview of Possible Structure of a Classifier

hidden takes a vector of integers, determining the number of layers and the number of neurons. In our example, there are no dense layers. rec also takes a vector of integers determining the number and size of the Gated Recurrent Unit (gru). In this example, we use one layer with 256 neurons.

Since the classifiers in aifeducation use a standardized scheme for their creation, dense layers are used after the gru layers. If you want to omit gru layers or dense layers, set the corresponding argument to NULL.

If you use a text embedding model that processes more than one chunk we would like to recommend to use recurrent layers since they are able to use the sequential structure of your data. In all other cases you can rely on dense layers only.

If you use text embeddings with more than one chunk, it is a good idea to try self-attention layering in order to take the context of all chunks into account. To add self-attention you have two choices: - You can use the attention mechanism used in classic transformer models as multihead attention (Vaswani et al. 2017). For this variant you have to set attention_type="multihead", repeat_encoder to a value of at least 1, and self_attention_headsto a value of at least 1. - Furthermore you can use the attention mechanism described in Lee-Thorp et al. (2021) of the FNet model which allows much fast computations at low accuracy costs. To use this kind of attention you have to setattention_type=“fourierandrepeat_encoder` to a value of at least 1.

With repeat_encoder you can chose how many times an encoder layer should be added. The encoder is implemented as described by Chollet, Kalinowski, and Allaire (2022, pp. 373) for both variants of attention.

You can further extend the abilities of your network by adding positional embeddings. Positional embeddings take care for the order of your chunks. Thus, adding such a layer may increase performance if the order of information is important. You can add this layer by setting add_pos_embedding=TRUE. The layer is created as described by Chollet, Kalinowski, and Allaire (2022, pp. 378)

Masking, normalization, and the creation of the input layer as well as the output layer are done automatically.

After you have created a new classifier, you can begin training.

Note: In contrast to the text embedding models your decision about the machine learning framework is more important since the classifier can only be used with the framework you created and trained the model.

5.2 Training a Classifier

To start the training of your classifier, you have to call the train method. Similarly, for the creation of the classifier, you must provide the text embedding to data_embeddings and the categories/classes as target data to data_targets. Please remember that data_targets expects a named factor where the names correspond to the IDs of the corresponding text embeddings. Text embeddings and target data that cannot be matched are omitted from training.

To train a classifier, it is necessary that you provide a path to dir_checkpoint. This directory stores the best set of weights during each training epoch. After training, these weights are automatically used as final weights for the classifier.

For performance estimation, training splits the data into several chunks based on cross-fold validation. The number of folds is set with data_n_test_samples. In every case, one fold is not used for training and serves as a test sample. The remaining data is used to create a training and a validation sample. All performance values saved in the trained classifier refer to the test sample. This data has never been used during training and provides a more realistic estimation of a classifier`s performance.


   data_embeddings = bert_embeddings,
   data_targets = example_targets,

Since aifedcuation tries to address the special needs in educational and social science, some special training steps are integrated into this method.

  • Baseline: If you are interested in training your classifier without applying any additional statistical techniques, you should set use_baseline = TRUE. In this case, the classifier is trained with the provided data as it is. Cases with missing values in target data are omitted. Even if you would like to apply further statistical adjustments, it makes sense to compute a baseline model for comparing the effect of the modified training process with unmodified training. By using bsl_val_size you can determine how much data should be used as training data and how much should be used as validation data.
  • Balanced Synthetic Cases: In case of imbalanced data, it is recommended to set use_bsc=TRUE. Before training, a number of synthetic units is created via different techniques. Currently you can request Basic Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique, Density-Bases Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique, and Adaptive Synthetic Sampling Approach for Imbalanced Learning. The aim is to create new cases that fill the gap to the majority class. Multi-class problems are reduced to a two class problem (class under investigation vs. each other) for generating these units. You can even request several techniques at once. If the number of synthetic units and original minority units exceeds the number of cases of the majority class, a random sample is drawn. If the technique allows to set the number of neighbors during generation, k = bsc_max_k is used.
  • Balanced Pseudo-Labeling: This technique is relevant if you have labeled target data and a large number of unlabeled target data. With the different parameter starting with “bpl_”, you can request different implementations of pseudo-labeling, for example based on the work by Lee (2013) or by Cascante-Bonilla et al. (2020). To turn on pseudo-labeling, you have to set use_bpl=TRUE.

To request pseudo-labeling based on Cascante-Bonilla et al. (2020), the following parameters have to be set:

  • bpl_max_steps = 5 (splits the unlabeled data into five chunks)
  • bpl_dynamic_inc = TRUE (ensures that the number of used chunks increases at every step)
  • bpl_model_reset = TRUE (re-initializes the model for every step)
  • bpl_epochs_per_step=30 (number of training epochs within each step)
  • bpl_balance=FALSE (ensures that the cases with the highest certainty are added to training regardless of the absolute frequencies of the classes)
  • bpl_weight_inc=0.00 and bpl_weight_start=1.00 (ensures that labeled and unlabeled data have the same weight during training)
  • bpl_max=1.00, bpl_anchor=1.00, and bpl_min=0.00 (ensures that all unlabeled data is considered for training and that cases with the highest certainty are used for training.)

To request the original pseudo-labeling proposed by Lee (2013), you have to set the following parameters:

  • bpl_max_steps=30 (steps must be treated as epochs)
  • bpl_dynamic_inc=FALSE (ensures that all pseudo-labeled cases are used)
  • bpl_model_reset=FALSE (the model is not allowed to be re-initialized)
  • bpl_epochs_per_step=1 (steps are treated as epochs so this must be one)
  • bpl_balance=FALSE (ensures that all cases are added regardless of the absolute frequencies of the classes)
  • bpl_weight_inc=0.02 and bpl_weight_start=0.00 (gives the pseudo labeled data an increasing weight with every step)
  • bpl_max=1.00, bpl_anchor=1.00, and bpl_min=0.00 (ensures that all pseudo labeled cases are used for training. bpl_anchor does not affect the calculations)

Please note that while Lee (2013) suggests to recalculate the pseudo-labels of the unlabeled data after every weight actualization, in aifeducation, the pseudo-labels are recalculated after every epoch.

bpl_max=1.00, bpl_anchor=1.00, and bpl_min=0.00 are used to describe the certainty of a prediction. 0 refers to random guessing while 1 refers to perfect certainty. bpl_anchor is used as a reference value. The distance to bpl_anchor is calculated for every case. Then, they are sorted with an increasing distance from bpl_anchor. The resulting order of cases is relevant if you set bpl_dynamic_inc=TRUE or bpl_balance=TRUE.

Figure 5 illustrates the training loop for the cases that all three options are set to TRUE.

Figure 5: Overview of the Steps to Perform a Classification
Figure 5: Overview of the Steps to Perform a Classification

The example above applies the algorithm proposed by Cascante-Bonilla et al. (2020). After training the classifier on the labeled data, the unlabeled data is introduced into the training. The classifier predicts the potential labels of the unlabeled data and adds 20% of the cases with the highest certainty for their pseudo-labels to the training. The classifier is re-initialized and trained again. After training, the classifier predicts the potential labels of all originally unlabeled data and adds 40% of the pseudo-labeled data to the training data. The model is again re-initialized and trained again until all unlabeled data is used for training.

Since training a neural net is energy consuming aifeducation allows you to estimate its ecological impact with help of the python library codecarbon. Thus, sustain_track is set to TRUE by default. If you use the sustainability tracker you must provide the alpha-3 code for the country where your computer is located (e.g., “CAN”=“Canada”, “Deu”=“Germany”). A list with the codes can be found on wikipedia. The reason is that different countries use different sources and techniques for generating their energy resulting in a specific impact on CO2 emissions. For USA and Canada you can additionally specify a region by setting sustain_region. Please refer to the documentation of codecarbon for more information.

Finally, trace, view_metrics, and keras_trace allow you to control how much information about the training progress is printed to the console. Please note that training the classifier can take some time.

Please note that after performance estimation, the final training of the classifier makes use of all data available. That is, the test sample is left empty.

5.3 Evaluating Classifier’s Performance

After finishing training, you can evaluate the performance of the classifier. For every fold, the classifier is applied to the test sample and the results are compared to the true categories/classes. Since the test sample is never part of the training, all performance measures provide a more realistic idea of the classifier`s performance.

To support researchers in judging the quality of the predictions, aifeducation utilizes several measures and concepts from content analysis. These are

  • Iota Concept of the Second Generation (Berding & Pargmann 2022)
  • Krippendorff’s Alpha (Krippendorff 2019)
  • Percentage Agreement
  • Gwet’s AC1/AC2 (Gwet 2014)
  • Kendall’s coefficient of concordance W
  • Cohen’s Kappa unweighted
  • Cohen’s Kappa with equal weights
  • Cohen’s Kappa with squared weights
  • Fleiss’ Kappa for multiple raters without exact estimation

You can access the concrete values by accessing the field reliability which stores all relevant information. In this list you will find the reliability values for every fold and for every requested training configuration. In addition, the reliability of every step within balanced pseudo-labeling is reported.

The central estimates for the reliability values can be found via reliability$test_metric_mean. In our example this would be:

#>          iota_index  min_iota2 avg_iota2 max_iota2 min_alpha avg_alpha
#> Baseline  0.6320000 0.10294118 0.3877251 0.6725090     0.136     0.549
#> BSC       0.4346667 0.06895416 0.2676750 0.4663959     0.072     0.512
#> BPL       0.6293333 0.51019563 0.6401731 0.7701506     0.580     0.756
#> Final     0.6293333 0.51019563 0.6401731 0.7701506     0.580     0.756
#>          max_alpha static_iota_index dynamic_iota_index kalpha_nominal
#> Baseline     0.962         0.5455732          0.5281005    -0.04487101
#> BSC          0.952         0.3785559          0.3744595    -0.25488654
#> BPL          0.932         0.3846018          0.5242565     0.54678492
#> Final        0.932         0.3846018          0.5242565     0.54678492
#>          kalpha_ordinal   kendall     kappa2 kappa_fleiss kappa_light
#> Baseline    -0.04487101 0.5531797 0.10142922   0.10142922  0.10142922
#> BSC         -0.25488654 0.5199922 0.02869454   0.02869454  0.02869454
#> BPL          0.54678492 0.7827658 0.55104690   0.55104690  0.55104690
#> Final        0.54678492 0.7827658 0.55104690   0.55104690  0.55104690
#>          percentage_agreement  gwet_ac
#> Baseline            0.6866667 0.543828
#> BSC                 0.4920000 0.106742
#> BPL                 0.8146667 0.686684
#> Final               0.8146667 0.686684

You now have a table with all relevant values. Of particular interest are the values for alpha from the Iota Concept since they represent a measure of reliability which is independent from the frequency distribution of the classes/categories. The alpha values describe the probability that a case of a specific class is recognized as that specific class. As you can see, compared to the baseline model, applying Balanced Synthetic Cases increased increases the minimal value of alpha, reducing the risk to miss cases which belong to a rare class (see row with “BSC”). On the contrary, the alpha values for the major category decrease slightly, thus losing its unjustified bonus from a high number of cases in the training set. This provides a more realistic performance estimation of the classifier.

Furthermore, you can see that the application of pseudo-labeling increases the alpha values for the minor class further, up to step 3.

Finally, you can plot a coding stream scheme showing how the cases of different classes are labeled. Here we use the package iotarelr.

Figure 6: Coding Stream of the Classifier
Figure 6: Coding Stream of the Classifier

Here you can see that a small number of negative reviews is treated as a good review while a larger number of positive reviews is treated as a bad review. Thus, the data for the major class (negative reviews) is more reliable and valid as the the data for the minor class (positive reviews).

Evaluating the performance of a classifier is a complex task and and beyond the scope of this vignette. Instead, we would like to refer to the cited literature of content analysis and machine learning if you would like to dive deeper into this topic.

5.4 Sustainability

In the case the classifier was trained with an active sustainability tracker you can receive information on sustainability by calling classifier$get_sustainability_data().

#> $sustainability_tracked
#> [1] TRUE
#> $date
#> [1] "Thu Oct  5 11:20:53 2023"
#> $sustainability_data
#> $sustainability_data$duration_sec
#> [1] 7286.503
#> $sustainability_data$co2eq_kg
#> [1] 0.05621506
#> $sustainability_data$cpu_energy_kwh
#> [1] 0.08602103
#> $sustainability_data$gpu_energy_kwh
#> [1] 0.05598303
#> $sustainability_data$ram_energy_kwh
#> [1] 0.01180879
#> $sustainability_data$total_energy_kwh
#> [1] 0.1538128
#> $technical
#> $technical$tracker
#> [1] "codecarbon"
#> $technical$py_package_version
#> [1] "2.3.1"
#> $technical$cpu_count
#> [1] 12
#> $technical$cpu_model
#> [1] "12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12400F"
#> $technical$gpu_count
#> [1] 1
#> $technical$gpu_model
#> [1] "1 x NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070"
#> $technical$ram_total_size
#> [1] 15.84258
#> $region
#> $region$country_name
#> [1] "Germany"
#> $region$country_iso_code
#> [1] "DEU"
#> $region$region
#> [1] NA

5.5 Saving and Loading a Classifier

If you have created a classifier, saving and loading is very easy. The process for saving a model is similar to the process for text embedding models. You only have to pass the model and a directory path to the function save_ai_model.

  save_format = "default",

In contrast to text embedding models you can specify the additional argument save_format. In the case of pytorch models this arguments allows you to choose between save_format = "safetensors" and save_format = "pt". We recommend to chose save_format = "safetensors" since this is a safer method to save your models. In the case of tensorflow models this arguments allows you to choose between save_format = "keras", save_format = "tf" and save_format = "h5". We recommend to chose save_format = "keras" since this is the recommended format by keras. If you set save_format = "default" .safetensors is used for pytorch models and .keras is used for tensorflow models.

If you would like to load a model you can call the function load_ai_model.


Note: Classifiers depend on the framework which was used during creation. Thus, a classifier is always initalized with its original framework. The argument ml_framework has no effect.

5.6 Predicting New Data

If you would like to apply your classifier to new data, two steps are necessary. You must first transform the raw text into a numerical expression by using exactly the same text embedding model that was used for training your classifier. In the case of our example classifier we use our BERT model.

# If our mode is not loaded

# Create a numerical representation of the text
  raw_text = textual_data$texts,
  doc_id = textual_data$doc_id,

To transform raw texts into a numeric representation Just pass the raw texts and the IDs of every text to the method embed of the loaded model. This is very easy if you used the package readtext to read raw text from disk, since the object resulting from readtext always stores the texts in the column “texts” and the IDs in the column “doc_id”.

Depending on your machine, embedding raw texts may take some time. In case you use a machine with a graphic device, it is possible that an “out of memory” error occurs. In this case reduce the batch size. If the error still occurs, restart the R session, switch to cpu-only mode directly after loading the libraries with aifeducation::set_config_cpu_only() and request the embedding again.

In the example above, the text embeddings are stored in text_embedding. Since embedding texts may take some time, it is a good idea to save the embeddings for future analysis (use the save function of R). This allows you to load the embedding without the need to apply the text embedding model on the same raw texts again.

The resulting object can then be passed to the method predict of our classifier and you will get the predictions together with an estimate of certainty for each class/category.

# If your classifier is not loaded

# Predict the classes of new texts
  newdata = text_embeddings,

After the classifier finishes the prediction, the estimated categories/classes are stored as predicted_categories. This object is a data.frame containing texts’ IDs in the rows and the probabilities of the different categories/classes in the columns. The last column with the name expected_category represents the category which is assigned to a text due the highest probability.

The estimates can be used in further analysis with common methods of the educational and social sciences such as correlation analysis, regression analysis, structural equation modeling, latent class analysis or analysis of variance.


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