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1 Base Transformer Class

1.1 Overview

See Base Transformer Class Documentation for details.

UML-diagram of Base Transformer Class:

Figure 1.1: UML-diagram of Base Transformer Class
Figure 1.1: UML-diagram of Base Transformer Class

This class has:

  • private attributes: title, sustainability_tracker, steps_for_creation and steps_for_training (see 1.2 Private attributes).

  • public attributes: params and temp lists (see 1.3 Public attributes).

  • private methods:

    • clear_variables method sets the params, temp and sustainability_tracker attributes to NULL.

    • check_required_SFC and check_required_SFT methods check the required steps (functions) in SFC and SFT lists for NULL respectively. Steps set to NULL by default and must be functions.

    • init_common_model_params method contains set_model_params method calls to set common model’s parameters (listed as ‘static’ parameters in p. 1.3 Public attributes -> param list).

    • define_required_SFC_functions and define_required_SFT_functions methods contains the definitions for the required creation/training steps (functions) respectively.

  • public methods: initialize, setters for title attribute, params and temp lists elements, steps for creation (SFC) and training (STF) functions, main create and train user-methods. See documentation for details.

1.2 Private attributes

Developers should know the purpose of all private attributes.

Attribute title

string The title for a transformer. This title is displayed in the progress bar. By default title is set to "Transformer Model".

Can be set with set_title() method (for example when implementing a new child-transformer in initialize-method):

.AIFECustomTransformer <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = ".AIFECustomTransformer",
  inherit = .AIFEBaseTransformer,
  public = list(
    initialize = function() {
      super$set_title("Custom Transformer") # (1)

Use super to access public methods of the base class (1).

Attribute sustainability_tracker

codecarbon.OfflineEmissionsTracker object is used to track sustainability on demand. It can be created with the private create_sustain_tracker() method.

Attribute steps_for_creation

list() that stores required and optional steps (functions) for creating a new transformer.

To access (input) parameters of the transformer, use the params list (e.g. params$ml_framework). To access a local variable outside of a function, put it in the temp list.

Use the set_SFC_*() methods to set required/optional steps for creation, where * is the name of the step.

Use the set_required_SFC() method to set all required steps at once.


The required steps to be defined in each child transformer are:

  • create_tokenizer_draft: function() that creates a tokenizer draft.

    In this function a new tokenizer must be created and stored as an element of a list temp (e.g. temp$tok_new). This function can include the definition of special tokens and/or trainers (tokenizers.trainers.WordPieceTrainer).

    See the create_WordPiece_tokenizer() and create_ByteLevelBPE_tokenizer() functions to create a new tokenizer object (tokenizers.Tokenizer) based on the tokenizers.models.WordPiece and tokenizers.models.ByteLevel models respectively.

  • calculate_vocab: function() for calculating a vocabulary.

    The tokenizer created in the create_tokenizer_draft() function is trained.

    See tokenizers.Tokenizer.train_from_iterator() for details.

  • save_tokenizer_draft: function() that saves a tokenizer draft to a model directory (e.g. to a vocab.txt file).

    See tokenizers.Tokenizer.save_model() for details.

  • create_final_tokenizer: function() that creates a new transformer tokenizer object.

    The tokenizer must be stored in the tokenizer parameter of the temp list.

    See transformers.PreTrainedTokenizerFast, transformers.LongformerTokenizerFast and transformers.RobertaTokenizerFast for details.

  • create_transformer_model: function() that creates a transformer model.

    The model must be passed to the model parameter of the temp list.

    See transformers.(TF)BertModel, transformers.(TF)DebertaV2ForMaskedLM, transformers.(TF)FunnelModel, transformers.(TF)LongformerModel, transformers.(TF)RobertaModel, etc. for details.


Optional step is:

  • check_max_pos_emb: function() that checks transformer parameter max_position_embeddings.

    Leave NULL to skip the check.


Required and already defined step is:

  • save_transformer_model: function() that saves a newly created transformer.

    Uses the temporary model and pt_safe_save parameters of the temp list.

    See transformers.(TF)PreTrainedModel.save_pretrained() for details.

Attribute steps_for_training

list() that stores required and optional steps (functions) for training the transformer.

To access (input) parameters of the transformer, use the params list (e.g. params$ml_framework). To access a local variable outside of a function, put it in the temp list.

Use the set_SFT_*() methods to set required/optional steps for creation, where * is the name of the step.


The required step in each child transformer is:

  • load_existing_model: function() that loads the model and its tokenizer.

    The model and the transformer must be stored to the model and tokenizer parameters respectively of the temp list.

    See transformers.(TF)PreTrainedModel for details.


Optional step is:

  • cuda_empty_cache: function() to empty the cache if torch.cuda is available.

Required and already defined steps are:

  • check_chunk_size: function() that checks transformer’s parameter chunk_size and adjusts it.

    Uses the model parameter of the temp list and modifies the chunk_size parameter of the params list.

  • create_chunks_for_training: function() that creates chunks of the sequenses for the trainining.

    Uses the tokenizer parameter and adds tokenized_dataset parameter to the temp list.

  • prepare_train_tune: function() that prepares the data for the training.

    For tensorflow: uses the model and tokenizer parameters, adds the tf_train_dataset, tf_test_dataset, callbacks parameters to the temp list.

    For pytorch: uses the model, tokenizer parameters, adds the trainer parameter to the temp list.

  • start_training: function() that starts the training.

    For tensorflow: uses the model, tf_train_dataset, tf_test_dataset, callbacks parameters of the temp list.

    For pytorch: uses the trainer parameter of the temp list.

  • save_model: function() that saves the model.

    For tensorflow: uses the model parameter of the temp list.

    For pytorch: uses the model, pt_safe_save and trainer parameters of the temp list.

Required and already defined step, but can be overwritten with a custom version:

  • create_data_collator: function() that creates the data collator for the model.

    From the temp list uses the tokenizer and return_tensors parameters, adds data_collator parameter to this list.

    From the params list uses whole_word and p_mask.

1.3 Public attributes

params list

A list containing all the transformer’s parameters (‘static’, ‘dynamic’ and ‘dependent’ parameters). Can be set with set_model_param().

‘Static’ parameters

Regardless of the transformer, the following parameters are always included:

  • ml_framework

  • text_dataset

  • sustain_track

  • sustain_iso_code

  • sustain_region

  • sustain_interval

  • trace

  • pytorch_safetensors

  • log_dir

  • log_write_interval

‘Dynamic’ parameters

In the case of create it also contains (see create-method for details):

  • model_dir

  • vocab_size

  • max_position_embeddings

  • hidden_size

  • hidden_act

  • hidden_dropout_prob

  • attention_probs_dropout_prob

  • intermediate_size

  • num_attention_heads

In the case of train it also contains (see train-method for details):

  • output_dir

  • model_dir_path

  • p_mask

  • whole_word

  • val_size

  • n_epoch

  • batch_size

  • chunk_size

  • min_seq_len

  • full_sequences_only

  • learning_rate

  • n_workers

  • multi_process

  • keras_trace

  • pytorch_trace

‘Dependent’ parameters

Depending on the transformer and the method used, class may contain different parameters:

  • vocab_do_lower_case

  • num_hidden_layer

  • add_prefix_space

  • etc.

Figure 1.2: Possible parameters in the params list
Figure 1.2: Possible parameters in the params list

temp list

A list containing temporary transformer’s parameters

list() containing all the temporary local variables that need to be accessed between the step functions. Can be set with set_model_temp().

For example, it can be a variable tok_new that stores the tokenizer from steps_for_creation$create_tokenizer_draft. To train the tokenizer, access the variable tok_new in steps_for_creation$calculate_vocab through the temp list of this class.

Figure 1.3: Possible parameters in the temp list
Figure 1.3: Possible parameters in the temp list

2 Allowed Transformers

2.1 Overview

UML-diagram of Transformer Classes:

Figure 2.1: UML-diagram of Base Transformer Class
Figure 2.1: UML-diagram of Base Transformer Class

The Base Transformer Class has the following child-classes:

  • .AIFEBertTransformer

  • .AIFEDebertaTransformer

  • .AIFEFunnelTransformer

  • .AIFELongformerTransformer

  • .AIFERobertaTransformer

  • .AIFEMpnetTransformer

The object of the Base Transformer Class cannot be created, thus the create and train methods cannot be called directly. However objects of the child classes can be created with new-method (1). Use create (2) and train (3) methods to create/train the concrete transformer respectively:

# Example of using .AIFEBertTransformer class
# For the other one - analogically

bert_transformer <- .AIFEBertTransformer$new() # (1)

# See .AIFEBertTransformer documentation to get input parameters
# for create and train methods instead of ...
bert_transformer$create(...)                   # (2)
bert_transformer$train(...)                    # (3)

2.2 Transformer Parameters

‘Static’ parameters

Name Type Description
ml_framework string Framework to use for training and inference1
text_dataset object Object of the class LargeDataSetForText
sustain_track bool If TRUE energy consumption is tracked during training2
sustain_iso_code string ISO code (Alpha-3-Code) for the country3
sustain_region string Region within a country. Only available for USA and Canada4
sustain_interval integer Interval in seconds for measuring power usage
trace bool TRUE if information about the progress should be printed to the console
pytorch_safetensors bool Choose between safetensors and standard pytorch format5
log_dir string Path to the directory where the log files should be saved
log_write_interval integer Time in seconds for updating the log files6

1 Available frameworks are “tensorflow” and “pytorch”

2 Via the python library codecarbon

3 This variable must be set if sustainability should be tracked. A list can be found on Wikipedia:

4 See the documentation of codecarbon for more information

5 Only relevant for pytorch models. TRUE: a ‘pytorch’ model is saved in safetensors format; FALSE (or ‘safetensors’ is not available): model is saved in the standard pytorch format (.bin)

6 Only relevant if log_dir is not NULL

‘Dynamic’ parameters for creation

Name Type Description
model_dir string Path to the directory where the model should be saved
vocab_size int Size of the vocabulary
max_position_embeddings int Number of maximum position embeddings1
hidden_size int Number of neurons in each layer2
hidden_act string Name of the activation function
hidden_dropout_prob double Ratio of dropout
attention_probs_dropout_prob double Ratio of dropout for attention probabilities
intermediate_size int Number of neurons in the intermediate layer of the attention mechanism
num_attention_heads int Number of attention heads
vocab_do_lower_case bool TRUE if all words/tokens should be lower case
num_hidden_layer int Number of hidden layers
target_hidden_size int Number of neurons in the final layer2
block_sizes vector Contains ints that determine the number and sizes of each block
num_decoder_layers int Number of decoding layers
activation_dropout float Dropout probability between the layers of the feed-forward blocks
pooling_type string Type of pooling3
add_prefix_space bool TRUE if an additional space should be inserted to the leading words
trim_offsets bool TRUE trims the whitespaces from the produced offsets
attention_window int Size of the window around each token for attention mechanism in every layer

1 This parameter also determines the maximum length of a sequence which can be processed with the model

2 This parameter determines the dimensionality of the resulting text embedding

"mean" and "max" for pooling with mean and maximum values respectively

‘Dynamic’ parameters for training

Name Type Description
output_dir string Path to the directory where the final model should be saved1
model_dir_path string Path to the directory where the original model is stored
p_mask double Ratio that determines the number of words/tokens used for masking
whole_word bool Choose a type of masking2
val_size double Ratio that determines the amount of token chunks used for validation
n_epoch int Number of epochs for training
batch_size int Size of batches
chunk_size int Size of every chunk for training
min_seq_len int Value determines the minimal sequence length included in training process3
full_sequences_only bool TRUE for using only chunks with a sequence length equal to chunk_size
learning_rate double Learning rate for adam optimizer
n_workers int Number of workers4
multi_process bool TRUE if multiple processes should be activated4
keras_trace int Controls the information about the training process from keras on the console4,5
pytorch_trace int Controls the information about the training process from pytorch on the console

1 If the directory does not exist, it will be created

TRUE: whole word masking should be applied; FALSE: token masking is used

3 Only relevant if full_sequences_only = FALSE

4 Only relevant if ml_framework = "tensorflow"

keras_trace = 0: does not print any information; keras_trace = 1: prints a progress bar; keras_trace = 2: prints one line of information for every epoch

pytorch_trace = 0: does not print any information; pytorch_trace = 1: prints a progress bar

3 Transformer Maker

3.1 Overview

See Transformer Maker Class for details.

Transformer Maker Class has a make-method to create a Transformer object.

UML-diagram of the Transformer Maker Class:

Figure 3.1: UML-diagram of Transformer Maker Class
Figure 3.1: UML-diagram of Transformer Maker Class

3.2 Usage


See BERT Transformer for Developers for details.

transformer <- aife_transformer_maker$make(AIFETrType$bert)
# or
# transformer <- aife_transformer_maker$make("bert")
transformer$create(ml_framework = ml_framework,
                   model_dir = model_dir,
                   text_dataset = text_dataset,
                   vocab_size = 30522,
                   vocab_do_lower_case = FALSE,
                   max_position_embeddings = 512,
                   hidden_size = 768,
                   num_hidden_layer = 12,
                   num_attention_heads = 12,
                   intermediate_size = 3072,
                   hidden_act = "gelu",
                   hidden_dropout_prob = 0.1,
                   attention_probs_dropout_prob = 0.1,
                   sustain_track = TRUE,
                   sustain_iso_code = NULL,
                   sustain_region = NULL,
                   sustain_interval = 15,
                   trace = TRUE,
                   pytorch_safetensors = TRUE,
                   log_dir = NULL,
                   log_write_interval = 2)
transformer$train(ml_framework = ml_framework,
                  output_dir = output_dir,
                  model_dir_path = model_dir_path,
                  text_dataset = text_dataset,
                  p_mask = 0.15,
                  whole_word = TRUE,
                  val_size = 0.1,
                  n_epoch = 1,
                  batch_size = 12,
                  chunk_size = 250,
                  full_sequences_only = FALSE,
                  min_seq_len = 50,
                  learning_rate = 3e-3,
                  n_workers = 1,
                  multi_process = FALSE,
                  sustain_track = TRUE,
                  sustain_iso_code = NULL,
                  sustain_region = NULL,
                  sustain_interval = 15,
                  trace = TRUE,
                  keras_trace = 1,
                  pytorch_trace = 1,
                  pytorch_safetensors = TRUE,
                  log_dir = NULL,
                  log_write_interval = 2)


See DeBERTa-v2 Transformer for Develovers for details.

transformer <- aife_transformer_maker$make(AIFETrType$deberta_v2)
# or
# transformer <- aife_transformer_maker$make("deberta_v2")
transformer$create(ml_framework = ml_framework,
                   model_dir = model_dir,
                   text_dataset = text_dataset,
                   vocab_size = 128100,
                   vocab_do_lower_case = FALSE,
                   max_position_embeddings = 512,
                   hidden_size = 1536,
                   num_hidden_layer = 24,
                   num_attention_heads = 24,
                   intermediate_size = 6144,
                   hidden_act = "gelu",
                   hidden_dropout_prob = 0.1,
                   attention_probs_dropout_prob = 0.1,
                   sustain_track = TRUE,
                   sustain_iso_code = NULL,
                   sustain_region = NULL,
                   sustain_interval = 15,
                   trace = TRUE,
                   pytorch_safetensors = TRUE,
                   log_dir = NULL,
                   log_write_interval = 2)
transformer$train(ml_framework = ml_framework,
                  output_dir = output_dir,
                  model_dir_path = model_dir_path,
                  text_dataset = text_dataset,
                  p_mask = 0.15,
                  whole_word = TRUE,
                  val_size = 0.1,
                  n_epoch = 1,
                  batch_size = 12,
                  chunk_size = 250,
                  full_sequences_only = FALSE,
                  min_seq_len = 50,
                  learning_rate = 3e-2,
                  n_workers = 1,
                  multi_process = FALSE,
                  sustain_track = TRUE,
                  sustain_iso_code = NULL,
                  sustain_region = NULL,
                  sustain_interval = 15,
                  trace = TRUE,
                  keras_trace = 1,
                  pytorch_trace = 1,
                  pytorch_safetensors = TRUE,
                  log_dir = NULL,
                  log_write_interval = 2)


See RoBERTa Transformer for Develovers for details.

transformer <- aife_transformer_maker$make(AIFETrType$roberta)
# or
# transformer <- aife_transformer_maker$make("roberta")
transformer$create(ml_framework = ml_framework,
                   model_dir = model_dir,
                   text_dataset = text_dataset,
                   vocab_size = 30522,
                   add_prefix_space = FALSE,
                   trim_offsets = TRUE,
                   max_position_embeddings = 512,
                   hidden_size = 768,
                   num_hidden_layer = 12,
                   num_attention_heads = 12,
                   intermediate_size = 3072,
                   hidden_act = "gelu",
                   hidden_dropout_prob = 0.1,
                   attention_probs_dropout_prob = 0.1,
                   sustain_track = TRUE,
                   sustain_iso_code = NULL,
                   sustain_region = NULL,
                   sustain_interval = 15,
                   trace = TRUE,
                   pytorch_safetensors = TRUE,
                   log_dir = NULL,
                   log_write_interval = 2)
transformer$train(ml_framework = ml_framework,
                  output_dir = output_dir,
                  model_dir_path = model_dir_path,
                  text_dataset = text_dataset,
                  p_mask = 0.15,
                  val_size = 0.1,
                  n_epoch = 1,
                  batch_size = 12,
                  chunk_size = 250,
                  full_sequences_only = FALSE,
                  min_seq_len = 50,
                  learning_rate = 3e-2,
                  n_workers = 1,
                  multi_process = FALSE,
                  sustain_track = TRUE,
                  sustain_iso_code = NULL,
                  sustain_region = NULL,
                  sustain_interval = 15,
                  trace = TRUE,
                  keras_trace = 1,
                  pytorch_trace = 1,
                  pytorch_safetensors = TRUE,
                  log_dir = NULL,
                  log_write_interval = 2)


See Funnel Transformer for Develovers for details.

transformer <- aife_transformer_maker$make(AIFETrType$funnel)
# or
# transformer <- aife_transformer_maker$make("funnel")
transformer$create(ml_framework = ml_framework,
                   model_dir = model_dir,
                   text_dataset = text_dataset,
                   vocab_size = 30522,
                   vocab_do_lower_case = FALSE,
                   max_position_embeddings = 512,
                   hidden_size = 768,
                   target_hidden_size = 64,
                   block_sizes = c(4, 4, 4),
                   num_attention_heads = 12,
                   intermediate_size = 3072,
                   num_decoder_layers = 2,
                   pooling_type = "mean",
                   hidden_act = "gelu",
                   hidden_dropout_prob = 0.1,
                   attention_probs_dropout_prob = 0.1,
                   activation_dropout = 0.0,
                   sustain_track = TRUE,
                   sustain_iso_code = NULL,
                   sustain_region = NULL,
                   sustain_interval = 15,
                   trace = TRUE,
                   pytorch_safetensors = TRUE,
                   log_dir = NULL,
                   log_write_interval = 2)
transformer$train(ml_framework = ml_framework,
                  output_dir = output_dir,
                  model_dir_path = model_dir_path,
                  text_dataset = text_dataset,
                  p_mask = 0.15,
                  whole_word = TRUE,
                  val_size = 0.1,
                  n_epoch = 1,
                  batch_size = 12,
                  chunk_size = 250,
                  full_sequences_only = FALSE,
                  min_seq_len = 50,
                  learning_rate = 3e-3,
                  n_workers = 1,
                  multi_process = FALSE,
                  sustain_track = TRUE,
                  sustain_iso_code = NULL,
                  sustain_region = NULL,
                  sustain_interval = 15,
                  trace = TRUE,
                  keras_trace = 1,
                  pytorch_trace = 1,
                  pytorch_safetensors = TRUE,
                  log_dir = NULL,
                  log_write_interval = 2)


See Longformer Transformer for Develovers for details.

transformer <- aife_transformer_maker$make(AIFETrType$longformer)
# or
# transformer <- aife_transformer_maker$make("longformer")
transformer$create(ml_framework = ml_framework,
                   model_dir = model_dir,
                   text_dataset = text_dataset,
                   vocab_size = 30522,
                   add_prefix_space = FALSE,
                   trim_offsets = TRUE,
                   max_position_embeddings = 512,
                   hidden_size = 768,
                   num_hidden_layer = 12,
                   num_attention_heads = 12,
                   intermediate_size = 3072,
                   hidden_act = "gelu",
                   hidden_dropout_prob = 0.1,
                   attention_probs_dropout_prob = 0.1,
                   attention_window = 512,
                   sustain_track = TRUE,
                   sustain_iso_code = NULL,
                   sustain_region = NULL,
                   sustain_interval = 15,
                   trace = TRUE,
                   pytorch_safetensors = TRUE,
                   log_dir = NULL,
                   log_write_interval = 2)
transformer$train(ml_framework = ml_framework,
                  output_dir = output_dir,
                  model_dir_path = model_dir_path,
                  text_dataset = text_dataset,
                  p_mask = 0.15,
                  val_size = 0.1,
                  n_epoch = 1,
                  batch_size = 12,
                  chunk_size = 250,
                  full_sequences_only = FALSE,
                  min_seq_len = 50,
                  learning_rate = 3e-2,
                  n_workers = 1,
                  multi_process = FALSE,
                  sustain_track = TRUE,
                  sustain_iso_code = NULL,
                  sustain_region = NULL,
                  sustain_interval = 15,
                  trace = TRUE,
                  keras_trace = 1,
                  pytorch_trace = 1,
                  pytorch_safetensors = TRUE,
                  log_dir = NULL,
                  log_write_interval = 2)


See MPNet Transformer for Develovers for details.

transformer <- aife_transformer_maker$make(AIFETrType$mpnet)
# or
# transformer <- aife_transformer_maker$make("mpnet")
transformer$create(ml_framework = ml_framework,
                   model_dir = model_dir,
                   text_dataset = text_dataset,
                   vocab_size = 30522,
                   vocab_do_lower_case = FALSE,
                   max_position_embeddings = 512,
                   hidden_size = 768,
                   num_hidden_layer = 12,
                   num_attention_heads = 12,
                   intermediate_size = 3072,
                   hidden_act = "gelu",
                   hidden_dropout_prob = 0.1,
                   attention_probs_dropout_prob = 0.1,
                   sustain_track = TRUE,
                   sustain_iso_code = NULL,
                   sustain_region = NULL,
                   sustain_interval = 15,
                   trace = TRUE,
                   pytorch_safetensors = TRUE,
                   log_dir = NULL,
                   log_write_interval = 2)
transformer$train(ml_framework = ml_framework,
                  output_dir = output_dir,
                  model_dir_path = model_dir_path,
                  text_dataset = text_dataset,
                  p_mask = 0.15,
                  p_perm = 0.15,
                  whole_word = TRUE,
                  val_size = 0.1,
                  n_epoch = 1,
                  batch_size = 12,
                  chunk_size = 250,
                  full_sequences_only = FALSE,
                  min_seq_len = 50,
                  learning_rate = 3e-3,
                  n_workers = 1,
                  multi_process = FALSE,
                  sustain_track = TRUE,
                  sustain_iso_code = NULL,
                  sustain_region = NULL,
                  sustain_interval = 15,
                  trace = TRUE,
                  keras_trace = 1,
                  pytorch_trace = 1,
                  pytorch_safetensors = TRUE,
                  log_dir = NULL,
                  log_write_interval = 2)

4 Implement A Custom Transformer

4.1 Overview

A Custom Transformer template (“dotAIIFECustomTransformer.R”) is located in the R-folder of the project.

4.2 Implementation Steps

To implement a new transformer, do the following steps:

  1. Create a new R-file with a name like dotAIFECustomTransformer.

  2. Open the file and write the creation of a new R6::R6Class() inside of it (see the code below). The name of the class must be defined here (1). Remember to inherit the base transformer class (2). Use the private list for the private attributes (3) like title, steps_for_creation, etc. (which will be explained later) and the public list (4) for the initialize, create, train methods.

    .AIFECustomTransformer <- R6::R6Class(
      classname = ".AIFECustomTransformer", # (1)
      inherit = .AIFEBaseTransformer, # (2)
      private = list(), # (3)
      public = list() # (4)
  3. Define the private title attribute (1) and set it in the initialize method (2) using the inherited super$set_title() base method (3) in the base class.

    .AIFECustomTransformer <- R6::R6Class(
      classname = ".AIFECustomTransformer",
      inherit = .AIFEBaseTransformer,
      private = list(
        title = "Custom Model" # (1)
      public = list(
        initialize = function() { # (2)
          super$set_title(private$title) # (3)
  4. Define the private steps_for_creation list (1) to implement the required steps (functions) (2)-(6), and (7) if needed. Do not forget to pass self as input parameter of the functions.

    Note that local variables created inside of functions can be used through the inherited temp list. Put the local tok_new variable (8) in the temp list in the create_tokenizer_draft step (2) and use it in the calculate_vocab step (3) like (9).

    Similarly, use the input parameters of the transformer such as ml_framework using the inherited params list like (10).


    In the create_final_tokenizer step (5) store the tokenizer in the self$temp$tokenizer variable (11).

    In the create_transformer_model step (6) store the transformer model in the self$temp$model variable (12).

    .AIFECustomTransformer <- R6::R6Class(
      classname = ".AIFECustomTransformer",
      inherit = .AIFEBaseTransformer,
      private = list(
        title = "Custom Model",
        steps_for_creation = list(                   # (1)
          # required
          create_tokenizer_draft = function(self) {      # (2)
            # The implementation must be here
            # self$temp$tok_new <- ...         # (8)
          calculate_vocab = function(self) {             # (3)
            # The implementation must be here
            # ... self$temp$tok_new ...        # (9)
          save_tokenizer_draft = function(self) {        # (4)
            # The implementation must be here
          create_final_tokenizer = function(self) {      # (5)
            # The implementation must be here
            # self$temp$tokenizer <- ... # (!!!) (11)
          create_transformer_model = function(self) {    # (6)
            # The implementation must be here
            # ... self$params$ml_framework ... # (10)
            # self$temp$model <- ...     # (!!!) (12)
          # optional: omit this element if do not needed
          check_max_pos_emb = function(self) {           # (7)
            # The implementation must be here
      public = list(
        initialize = function() {
  5. Define the create method (1) with all the input parameters (2) of the create method of the base class. Add all the dependent parameters of the custom transformer to the input parameters (3). Dependent parameters are parameters that depend on the transformer and are not present in the base class. Set these dependent parameters to the base class using the super$set_model_param() method (4). Set required and optional steps to the base class using the super$set_required_SFC() and super$set_SFC_check_max_pos_emb() methods respectively (5). Finally run the basic create algorithm using super$create() (6) with all the input parameters (2).

    .AIFECustomTransformer <- R6::R6Class(
      classname = ".AIFECustomTransformer",
      inherit = .AIFEBaseTransformer,
      private = list(
        title = "Custom Model",
        steps_for_creation = list(
          # required
          create_tokenizer_draft = function(self) { },
          calculate_vocab = function(self) { },
          save_tokenizer_draft = function(self) { },
          create_final_tokenizer = function(self) { },
          create_transformer_model = function(self) { },
          # optional: omit this element if do not needed
          check_max_pos_emb = function(self) { }
      public = list(
        initialize = function() { },
        # (1)
        create = function(# (2) --------------------------
                          # ...
                          # ...
                          # (3) --------------------------
                          # ...
                          dep_paramN) {
          # (4) -----------------------------------------
          super$set_model_param("dep_param1", dep_param1)
          super$set_model_param("dep_param2", dep_param2)
          # ...
          super$set_model_param("dep_paramN", dep_paramN)
          # (5) -----------------------------------------
          # optional, can be omitted if do not needed
          # (6) -----------------------------------------
            ml_framework = ml_framework,
            model_dir = model_dir,
            text_dataset = text_dataset,
            vocab_size = vocab_size,
            # ...
            trace = trace,
            pytorch_safetensors = pytorch_safetensors
            # ...
  6. Define train method (1) similarly to the step 5. Implement steps (functions) in the private steps_for_training list (2). Do not forget to pass self as input parameter of the required function. Set the dependent parameters (4) in the base class using super$set_model_param() method (5). Set the implemented steps for training in the base class using super$set_SFT_*() methods (6). Finally run the basic train algorithm (7) of the base class with all the (input) parameters (3).

    .AIFECustomTransformer <- R6::R6Class(
      classname = ".AIFECustomTransformer",
      inherit = .AIFEBaseTransformer,
      private = list(
        title = "Custom Model",
        steps_for_creation = list(
          # required
          create_tokenizer_draft = function(self) { },
          calculate_vocab = function(self) { },
          save_tokenizer_draft = function(self) { },
          create_final_tokenizer = function(self) { },
          create_transformer_model = function(self) { },
          # optional: omit this element if do not needed
          check_max_pos_emb = function(self) { }
        # (2)
        steps_for_training = list(
          # required
          load_existing_model = function(self) { },
          # optional
          cuda_empty_cache = function() { },
          create_data_collator = function() { }
      public = list(
        initialize = function() { },
        create = function() {
          # ---------------------------
          # super$set_model_param(...)
          # ...
          # ---------------------------
          # super$set_required_SFC(...)
          # super$set_SFC_*(...)
          # ...
          # ---------------------------
          # super$create(...)
        # (1)
        train = function(# (3) --------
                         # ...
                         # (4) --------
                         # ...
                         dep_paramN) {
          # (5) -----------------------------------------
          super$set_model_param("dep_param1", dep_param1)
          # ...
          super$set_model_param("dep_paramN", dep_paramN)
          # (6) -----------------------------------------
          # optional
          # (7) -----------------------------------------
            ml_framework = ml_framework,
            # ...

    Now use the transformer (created in p. 4.2) like in the code example from p. 2.1.

  7. In the file “R/AIFETransformerMaker.R” find the definition of the AIFETrType list and add a new element to the end of it (1):

    AIFETrType <- list(
      bert = "bert",
      roberta = "roberta",
      # ...
      mpnet = "mpnet",
      custom = "custom"   # (1)

    In the end of the file “R/dotAIFECustomTransformer.R” put the following line to use this transformer with Transformer Maker:

    .AIFETrObj[[AIFETrType$custom]] <- .AIFECustomTransformer$new

    Now use the Transformer Maker class to create a custom transformer like in p. 3.2.